transition wild
The longer I deer hunt and the more I immerse myself in this sport I am so passionate about, it seems as though the season never ends. Although I may not be carrying my bow with me during this time of year, as an obsessed bow hunter I am always hunting. When one season ends the next one begins, bringing a whole different game plan to my year-long pursuit.
During the Winter months I have traded in my bow for two different types of weapons better suited for the task at hand; Trail Camera’s and Big Tine Fortified Deer Blend. My goal for this part of the year is to find out which deer made it through the season while at the same time, give them a little extra nutrition when they need it the most.
I put out a variety of Big Tine supplements including; 30-06, Protein Plus, and Last Call.
People ask all the time why they should buy a bag of Big Tine for $18 when they can buy an ordinary bag of corn for $6. They essentially do the same thing, right? Wrong! Here is why the price is justified in my eyes and why I personally use Big Tine:
Cherry Aroma – One of the many advantages of Big Tine Deer Feed, in my opinion, is the cherry aroma flavor and the ability to attract deer. Deer get used to smelling corn, beans, milo and other types of food but when they smell something that is a bit out of the ordinary, it may be the difference in getting them to come check it out. This is what I believe brings them in so quickly because of how strong and irresistible it is to a deers nose.
Variety Of Food and Nutrients – For this particular outing, I employed the use of 30-06 in conjunction with Protein Plus. This adds more variety and nutrition to their diet during this time period when food is scarce and hard to come by. The mixture of corn, milo, sunflower seeds, and soybeans will keep them consistently in front of my camera for 3-5 days which should be enough to capture an inventory of deer that made it through the season.
Long Lasting Minerals – Every time you put a bag of Big Tine on the ground, you are essentially creating a mineral site that deer will continue to use over and over again. I have watched deer come back to these sites, pawing at the dirt long after the corn and other supplements are gone. The minerals are not only great for overall deer health but in addition to that, the minerals soak into the ground and will remain in the dirt for quite some time.
Long story short, here is a recap of why the price of Big Tine is justified in my eyes: The cherry aroma flavor is irresistible and that is what draws them in very quickly. The variety of feed is what keeps deer around for an extended period of time. Essential minerals soak into the dirt, creating a mineral site that will aid in antler growth and development long after the feed is gone.
I am anxiously awaiting to get back to Kansas to check my trail cameras and see what made it through the hunting season. Being that I live 6 hours away from these properties, I don’t have the luxury to glass crop fields on a regular basis so I have to rely on other means for scouting.
My Bow and arrow is the go-to weapon during the Fall; Big Tine is my weapon of choice during the Winter. Both items play an essential role in my success and year-long pursuit of whitetail deer, but now that Winter has arrived and scouting begins, Big Tine is as important as my bow was during the actual hunting season.
Placing trail cameras over Big Tine deer feed is a great way to take a postseason inventory of your deer herd and target bucks for next Fall.
If you have not yet tried Big Tine Fortified Deer Blend, get to your nearest retailer right away and give it a try for yourself. You will not be disappointed with the immediate results as well as the long-term benefits of healthier, bigger deer on your properties. Check out Part 2 of this series where I show my trail camera pictures and a few of the sheds I found: Taking Post-Season Inventory With Big Tine Fortified Deer Blend: Part 2
For more information about Big Tine Fortified Deer Blend and Attractants, please visit:
– Adam Parr
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